Huling nai-update noong Hulyo 20, 2024
Ayon sa eHalal, ang Ravioli Beef ay Halal at ginawa at inangkat gamit ang Barcode na #2454669628453 at ipinamahagi sa ilalim ng Zakia Halal Brand na may eHalal Food Categories ng Ready Halal Meals, Meat Products, Pasta Dishes, Ready Halal Meals with Halal Meat, Pâtes. farcies, Beef, Pates farcies na may Halal Meat, Ravioli, Ravioli na may Halal Meat, Raviolis Beef.
Antas ng Nutrisyon
Laki ng paghahatid / dami ng paghahatid: /
Enerhiya /100g: 377
Enerhiya mula sa Fat / 100g:
Taba /100g: 2.3
Saturated Fat /100g: 1
Mga Carbohidrat / 100g:
Asukal / 100g: 1.7
Hibla /100g: 1.4
Mga protina /100g: 4
Asin / 100g: 1
Sosa /100g: 0.4
Bitamina A / 100g:
Bitamina C / 100g:
Calcium / 100g:
Bakal / 100g:
Kategorya ng pagkain: Composite Foods at One-dish meal
Sauce, Water Tomato Concentrate, Meat with Beef Halal, sibuyas. Carrots, Salt, Starch transformé of Apple of terre, Sugar, Colza Oil, Oregano, Pâte : semoule of blé dur, Water, blanc d'œuf, Farce : Meat with Beef halal, chapelure (Wheat Flour, Salt, aile of colza, levure. paprika). Carrots, Salt, Onions, Viande muse en œuvre : 75% du poids net total, Vegetables mis en œuvre : 4.8% du poids net total, Information allergène : naglalaman ng Des Eggs and du Gluten.
Allergy: Itlog, Gluten
Bilang ng Additives 1/E14xx
carbon footprint / 100 gramo ng Hayop o Isda:
Label ng Sertipikasyon: Halal, Halal Certified ng Great Mosque of Lyon
EMB Code: